Hello Experts
I faced a very weird case today. I would like to hear your comments about it.
I have input workbooks on Analysis 1.4 SP10 Patch 10 where i display input-ready Bex queries (BW version: 7.4 SP09)
In Bex query, there is a hierarchy node filter on one characteristic (in restrictions area), which is also one of the inputable fields.
So normally, when i open this workbook, i click on question mark next to above mentioned field, and i see list of restricted values only.
However, let s say, due to miscommunication, me and my colleague opened the workbook at the same time, and he locked it.
after he closes his screen (releases the lock), i push the "change" button in Analysis Tab -> Planning Group
This makes my query input-ready again.
But this is where problem occurs : when i click on question mark next to above mentioned field, i see full list of values (hierarchy restriction is cancelled)
I checked the other filters, and they look unchanged. Only issue is related to hierarchy node filter, which brings the question : Can it be a bug?
Did anyone else face such case? I could not find any similar discussion or OSS message.
Thank you for your inputs.