I searched SDN before posting this question. From analysis 2.2 we are connecting directly to HANA view not to BW.
I went through OSS notes, i found one oss notes related to Analysis 2.2 to set the operation pattern as true, but still it didn't work.
2083067 - How to maintain settings for Analysis Office 2.x
We have HANA view with a input parameter for a material. This input parameter is optional and accepts multiple values.
In the filter expression i have the below code to accept multiple values and '*' in the selection for material.
(in ("WERKS",$$IP_PLANT$$)) AND (in ("MATNR",$$IP_MATNR$$) or match("MATNR", $$IP_MATNR$$) )
it is working perfectly in HANA data preview.
But when i execute the view through analysis 2.2, it is throwing an error.
Screen shot of my input parameter
Errors in Excel