I have an Analysis Office work book based on BW Query. The workbook has one query in a tab and about 10-12 tabs having formatted reports that use the query data and other data within the workbook.
Now I am unable to open the workbook in Analysis Office, it just hangs. Finally when I terminate the process I get following error. The log file does not show anything meaning ful.
SAP BI Add-in will be closed.
If you want to save the data in the document, you must save a copy of the document
because the data needed for the addin functions cannot be saved correctly. (ID-102001)
Could not deserialize the application model
Could not deserialize the application model:
External component has thrown an exception
We are using:
Analysis Office 1.4.12585 (the workbook was created with 1.3.7, it could not be opened there so installed latest and :-( the greatest)
BW 7.01
Excel 2010
Any ideas?
mahesh gune