SAP Note 1656983 - result set size limit exceeded and page 20 of https://websmp102.sap-ag.de/~sapidb/012002523100016618432014E/14SP9_aaoffice_admin_en.pdf describe how to configure the cell size limit on AO.
You set registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP\AdvancedAnalysis\Settings\DataSource\ResultSetSizeLimit (type String) to the number of cells, or "-1" for unlimited.
On my Windows 8.1 system, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP didn't exist, so I created the keys and ResultSetSizeLimit to type String. I relaunched AO, and see the error:
- Verbose: | [BICS HANA]ResultSetSizeLimit exceeded: 778232 > 500000 | | 2014-11-07T15:28:30 | | com.sap.ip.bi.pioneer.core.logging.CrBicsLoggingLocation.log() () |
Looks like the registry key location has moved?