I am currently trying to use the standard VBA coding events "Worksheet_Change" or "Worksheet_Calculate" in combination with a SAP Analysis for Office Worksheet.
The general idea is that I am using one cell to chapture a variable value which is filled in the prompt. As soon as the user is trying to enter a different value for that variable in the prompt, the event Worksheet_Change or Worksheet_Calculate should jump in and adjust a filter based on the selected new prompt value.
1.The user selects category 13000 initially in the prompt.
2.The user goes back to the prompt and selects a different category (12000).
3.The value for this category is captured in a cell using =SAPGetVariable("DS_1"; "0S_0CM_CDT1_MO_01"; "VALUEASKEY")
4.As soon as the category value changed in that cell (here D5), the VBA event Worksheet_Change or Worksheet_Calculate (based on worksheet level) should jump in executing the following code:
Public Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Set Target = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SAP_Formula_Customizing").Range("D5")
If Not Intersect(Target, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SAP_Formula_Customizing").Range("D5")) Is Nothing Then
Call Reset_Filter
End If
End Sub
5. Unfortunately the coding is not accessed after a changed prompt value. It is only accessed when I change the value for cell D5 in the workbook directly or indirectly (meaning by referencing onto a different cell which i then change).