Hello everyone,
I am running a performance test for different BO report platforms using BW on different database (HANA, NLS, original disk).
By referring the document such as the following one, I ran the performance test to compare different platforms and different database.
The operation flow is:
Select the report from BW --> Clear Cache --> Before entering the parameters in the selection screen, start trace in ST05 (SQL trace)
--> Enter the parameters and execute --> When report is outputted, end the trace in ST05 --> Display trace
From the report execution duration, I see that the performance of HANA > NLS > Former disk as expected, and Analysis Office > OLAP > BEx > Lumira.
But I cannot tell what the duration is about,and I cannot explain the difference among the BusinessOffice Platforms.( I thought it mainly test on database difference, but it turned out Analysis Office is also absolutely faster than BEx and Lumira). Therefore, the test result is not so persuasive as a result.
I have two questions about it:
1. What does the SQL trace in st05 evaluate? Only database or front-end also matters?
2. How to explain the difference between Analysis Office, OLAP, Webi, BEx, Lumira?
Thank you in advance.