Hi experts,
we are currently still using some Bex 3.x workbooks that are precalculated every night and due to the new GUI 7.40 me must get rid of them.
Unfortunately these workbooks are so large, that Bex 7.0 and AO 1.4 can't handle them because of memory limitations.
In Analysis for Office 2.0 this memory limitation no longer exists and it is possible to refresh all the Queries.
It took the old Bex about 15 min to refresh all of the Queries, Analysis takes up to 2 hours.
This poor performance is a huge showstopper.
Is there a way to get it as fast as it was in Bex 3.x?
Our system:
BW 7.31 SP08
Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit
Office Professional 2010 64 bit
Analysis for Office 64bit
Looking forward to your answers,
Simon Eiblmeier