Hi Experts,
I have a couple of questions regarding two features in Analysis for office 2.0. (I am using a Hana view as my data source) and I would appreciate some help...
1. I noticed I am unable to create variants in my workbook when I use a datasource (HANA view). It is grayed out I am not sure if it is because I am using a hana view as my DS as against BW or its just not supported yet, OR I am not doing something right.
2. I inserted a new cell beneath my header and I tried to use that row to identify my currency type(see sample image below). I applied a style to it and saved it but I noticed anytime i hit the Refresh ALL button, Is clears the cell. Again, is there something I am missing/not doing right or this ought to have been built into my datasource already (meaning I cannot manually create it in the workbook)
3.Just to reconfirm...Can i create a workbook template and publish to our repository for business users to access it and use it to create thier own workbooks?