Over the weekend we had a large transport drop into our Production system, including queries. Since then, users with existing Workbooks are facing authorisation issues. Now I don't believe that it is a true authorisation issue, rather that Authorisation Objects are now no longer in the Background Filter and therefore the user isn't 'authorised' to display that data.
The only thing that I can see that has really changed is that the Authorisation Objects (Company Code, Plant, Brand and Sales Organisation) have been moved from just being in the Default Values section of the query definition to now also being in the Characteristics Restrictions...
Now when a user refreshed a workbook they get 'User does not have authorization' error and the Background Filter only contains Company Code which the user is required to enter at runtime.
Inserting a new query is fine and the Background Filter is populated with all the Authorisation Objects.
Is anyone aware of any issues/quirks with Analysis and this type of query change? FYI we are on 1.4 but same issue is present with 2.1